About the Show

RetroWorld Expo is a Connecticut-based organization founded in 2015 by a group of gamers dedicated to creating a convention that celebrates video games, tabletop gaming, and pop culture! Over the years, the show has grown significantly in both size and attendance and now takes place in a stunning 80,000-square-foot space at the Connecticut Convention Center, located in downtown Hartford.

At RetroWorld Expo, there's something for everyone. With over 150 vendors, gaming tournaments, arcade machines, cosplay, anime, special guests, panels, wrestling, music, and more, the event is a true gaming paradise. Our mission is to honor the history and passion of gaming since the early 80s, ensuring that all platforms are celebrated for everyone's enjoyment.

While gaming has changed throughout the years, the underlying community that exists is one that shares a common bond—a passion for the memories we have all shared growing up playing games. For that reason, you can expect to find both classic games and modern gaming expressed throughout the show.

Our mission is to bring together the community to relive the history of gaming and celebrate its impact on our culture throughout the years through events, music, tournaments, and guest speakers! We want to rekindle the memories that we all had as children growing up playing games.

RWX is not just a convention, it's a community. We welcome gaming enthusiasts of all ages, races, and nationalities to come together and share their love for gaming. It's a place where memories are made, friendships are formed, and the joy of gaming is celebrated by all.